Hi there!
My name is Tyler Earls.
I am a software engineer and musician.

Professionally, I write software as a consultant for Inspire11External LinkIcon indicating the user will visit an external site in a separate tab or window.. I look forward to collaborating with clients to build modern user experiences with scalability, maintainability, and a11y in mind.

As an engineer, my perspective is informed by my musical education. I find that both music and tech require one to be autodidactic, studying continuously in order to stay sharp.

For example, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have been studying Rust, and now I use it regularly both on side projects and on Exercism's dedicated Rust trackExternal LinkIcon indicating the user will visit an external site in a separate tab or window..

I'm also developing a Rust crate that leverages music theory to generate valid chords and scales from user input. If you'd like, check out the documentationExternal LinkIcon indicating the user will visit an external site in a separate tab or window. for Audiate to keep up-to-date with my progress.

Outside of tech, I write songs and lead a band called Cuckoo and the BirdsExternal LinkIcon indicating the user will visit an external site in a separate tab or window.. If you'd like, you can listen at our BandcampExternal LinkIcon indicating the user will visit an external site in a separate tab or window..

I'm also a very avid Star Trek fan. During these difficult times, I find comfort in its optimistic view on the potential of humanity and its future.